So, last Saturday (13/10/2012), I attended a beauty class held by Cita Cinta together with Face on Face Indonesia in Gedung Femina, Setiabudi. I was tempted by the price, well, it's only Rp 25.000,00 (around $2.5) including snack box + goodie bag from Cita Cinta and Face on Face! So, I rushed to register and I also told my friends to join. Unfortunately, it's only me who got the chance to attend this beauty class. It turned out that not every one who registered can get the place in the Beauty Class due to the limited seats and (I think) the error on the registration system. So, since I already transferred the money for registration, I chose to attend it though I'm all alone.
So, I arrived at 13.00 sharp since I got a call that I should get there by 13.00. It turned out that the event started really, really late. It started at almost 14.30. I was annoyed since I was so rushed to the venue that I forgot to dressed according to the dress code "Touch of Pink". Instead, I wore green, from top to toe. -___-
the empty tables since I came soo early :D got the lip on lip product. finally can try this!
So the event starts with a small beauty talk with Mbak Saskia Damanik; Cita Cinta's beauty editor and Mbak Arlin; brand manager of Face on Face Indonesia. They were talking about how to look natural while wearing make-up for everyday use including for work and campus. After that, they discussed about Face on Face product specifications. I am interested to try since she said that Face on Face contains Hyaluronic Acid (modified) which can retain the water in our skin as 2gr of it can retain 6 litres of water (please CMIIW). Wow! Since I have problems with hydration on my U area, hearing this would be relieving. Moreover, she said that all of the Face on Face products also contains Sun Protection so we don't need to be worried if we're on the go. But she said, if we need to spend our time directly under the sun (outdoor), it is recommended to apply Sun Block or Sunscreen before.
left to right: MC - Mbak Arlin from Face on Face Indonesia - Mbak Saskia from Cita Cinta
After the talk, there was small Questions and Answers session where the participants asked so many things about beauty and more details about Face on Face Indonesia. Ah, there's more reason to start using Face on Face since all of its products contains NO MINERAL OIL, so it's safe for all skin types, even the sensitive one (was said on the talk). So, for those of you who are reluctant to try new product because you have sensitive skin, well, Face on Face is safe for you!
my table :3
After the beauty talk ended, the event continued with beauty class! Yay! So, this is Mbak Dervy, the Make-Up Artist for this beauty class.
So, as a typical beauty class, she would put on make-up demo on a model and explain it to us about the tips and trick. Hehehe, soon after we can try to put the make-up on each of our own face following her instructions. And we didn't have to be afraid if we face some difficulties as there were a few of beauticians from Face on Face Indonesia who were willing to help you anytime. :)
So, everybody was given this make-up pallette to do the make-up during the beauty class. Here it is:
I'm glad that the palette were all brand-new, sealed, and of course there's an expiry date on every palette. My biggest fear of beauty class is that I'm afraid that I have to use a used make-up products. So, thank God that this time I could use the brand-new one.
So the palette was created special for each of the make-up class session held by Face on Face Indonesia (I guess this is the first time that they held beauty class, so maybe that's why the palette and other products are still brand-new, but I don't know for sure).
OK, let's not fuss about that. Hahaha. Let's talk about the palette instead. The palette consists of five shades of compact powder (Charming Pink, Silky White, Vanilla Beige, Natural Yellow, and Tropical Beige), two shades of blush, and six colors of eye shadows. It has two series of color nuance; Blooming Rose (which was said is created for those who have fair skin or want to look fresh) and Natural Glow (for those who have medium to dark skin or want to look natural).
I can say that all the colors available are very natural and suitable for everyday look. I did some swatches for the products, but sorry if you find my pictures are not very clear and pristine as I (again) forgot to bring my digital camera. So I just used my phone's camera.
left to right: natural glow - blooming rose
As you can see, without applying any eye shadow primer/base, the color are quite pigmented. The texture of the eye shadow are soft and it has silky finish though they are a bit chalky. The color lasts for about 5 hours and after that the color get soften out. For an affordable price, this kind of eye shadows are good in my opinion. Actually I swiped 1-3 times to get these colors. But for the dark shades, I only swiped it once for this swatch.
left to right: Blooming Rose - Natural Glow
Nah, this one is the blush. I think the blush is pigmented as I only swiped the blushes once for this swatch. Unfortunately the blush is really chalky. Moreover, I got to say that I personally don't like the shades. The Blooming Pink is too pinky, as I prefer darker pink for my cheek. And Natural Glow is too peachy. When I tried it, my face became very yellow. T_T
For the powder, I'm glad that it comes in many shades for a local product. Usually local products has only one or two shades for the complexion. When I tried to find my shade, I find that the Natural Yellow to be my shade to my skin tone. But, Mbak Dervy said that, if you want people to be aware that you wear make-up then choose the one which can lighten up your complexion a little bit. Yes, to be honest if I use Natural Yellow, it is as if I don't use any powder, so I choose Silky White instead (it's the closest one after Natural Yellow).
So these are the results of my beauty class:

these pictures was taken 4 hours after the beauty class ended, fufufu
And in every beauty event, let it be beauty class or beauty talk, there's always be freebies or hampers (Oh I love this!) So, these are things that I've got inside the goodie bags.
What's inside?
- Face on Face Loose Powder in Silky White
- Face on Face Blush in Blooming Rose
- Skin Aqua products in mini size
- Selsun Flower shampoo
- Writing Notes from Cita Cinta
Wants more? Well, I happened to be so lucky that day (though I didn't follow the dress code), there was a game of pretending to be Face on Face Indonesia's brand ambassador and we have to promote the products. I was one of the three winners and here's what I've got!
A complete series of Face on Face Indonesia and a Jacket from Cita Cinta
Ah, it's like an early presents for my birthday which happened to be today, 15th of October 2012! I'm so happy and by the way, you're welcome to give me opinion about which product is going to be reviewed first as I'm confused with bunch of them.
Have a nice day everyone!
wow you're lucky to be one of the three winners, glad u made it!! Happy birthday dear Tia!!! ^__^ wish you the very best, enjoy today to the fullest! God bless :*
BalasHapusYep, I was so lucky at that time I guess hahahaha. Thank you so much dear Nitaaa >_<
HapusAmen for the wishes ^_^
happy b'day dear, wah asyik ya goodie bag dr acaranya dpt banyak produk dr rohto, btw selamat ya yg menang kuisnya, ditunggu review produknya ;)
BalasHapusMakasih ^_^
HapusHohoho, iya, masih bingung mau review yg mana duluan >.<
walaaaaaahh ga ngajak-ngajak ni ka Tia >o<
BalasHapusecieh hepi birthday yooo~~~
itu bener-bener last minute huhuhu..
Hapusmakasih mey ^_^
happy b'day! :)
BalasHapusaaaa~ enaknya dpt face on face banyakk >.<
trus murmer beauty classnyaa
makasih Jesslyn :D
HapusHuhuhu, lain kali aku kasih tau kamu deh via FB kalo ada beauty class lagi, apalagi yg murmer yaaa
Dinantikan review produknya ya. ^_^
BalasHapussiiiip ^_^
Hapushappy bday tia! wow you're so lucky to live in Jakarta, so much beauty events and classes are held there! i badly want to join such a class laa T___T
BalasHapuscan't wait to read the reviews about all the products you got! congratulations for winning too! XOXO
thank you for the birthday greeting, Caroline! hehehe, I hope that there will be more beauty events and classes in your town ^____^
HapusWhoaaa.. So lucky! :D
BalasHapusyep ^_^
Hapusthank you for reading, dear Vani :)
oo happy bday dear! wish u all the best and congratz for winning those yummy goodies! ehehe have a great day dear :))
thank you ci feli for the wishes ^_^
HapusHappy b'dae ya Tia & selamat ya karena menang di face on face^^
BalasHapusmakasih Bebe ^_^
HapusWahhh congrat... Pulang2 bw byk hadiahhh
BalasHapusmakasih emily ^_^
HapusOMG.. Face on face.. mauuu, pengen beli lagi tapi tak tau dimana. Aku suka banget sama produk mereka padahal >.<
BalasHapuscoba ke FB pagenya "Face on Face Indonesia" deh hana ^_^