Hello everyone! Last week, I had a chance to attend another LUX event held in Hotel Dharmawangsa. This time it was the launching of LUX's latest collection; LUX White Collection.
Actually this was the first time I visit Hotel Dharmawangsa. And yes, I was a little bit lost since I've never been here before. But, that was okay, I arrived safely anyway. So, we were greeted by a very beautiful all-white gate (sorry for not taking picture of it) and when I looked at my left, wow. There were plenty of foods! (OK, I am not a food blogger, why I rave so much about food.. -_-)
And yes, the food attracted me so much that night...
After filling our starving stomach, then we were invited to go inside and all that I could say is: "THE DECORATION WAS REALLY STUNNING!" All-white, it was like entering a whole different world. I feel like Alice in Wonderland (OK, I'm exaggerating). But yes, it was stunning, with the properties, the consistency of putting white everywhere, the flowers, wow.
And as usual, there was a photo-booth area where every guest took pictures. I went with my friend; Vita, so here we are taking pictures together!

In order to celebrate women potential to look dazzling and stunning by having a bright, dazzling skin just like a crystal, Lux cooperates with well-known crystal company from Czech Republic; Preciosa, to launch a very special campaign, Lux Momen Berkilau.
want to get this? stay tuned on LUX's social media (FB: LUX Twitter: @LUX_ID)
LUX also engaged with five Wanita Lux Putih Berkilau who has achievements in each of their field to share about their experience regarding their Momen Berkilau (dazzling moment). They are Stella Rissa (fashion designer), Fitria Yusuf (fashion entrepreneur), Andra Alodita (photographer), Alanda Kariza (youth activist), and Lala Karmela (singer). Actually, only three of them could make it to the event that night, they are Andra Alodita, Alanda Kariza, and Lala Karmela.
the representatives of invited bloggers and LUX representatives took picture together
the giant LUX White Collection
After the sharing and photo sessions, then there were dazzling cards gave by the organizer. It was a card where every guest fill it with their own dazzling moment. Haha, I was busy thinking at that time, what would I write there. :p Then, the organizer drew the cards and the winner got the MAP Voucher worth of Rp 2.000.000,00! Wow, and the lucky girl is Emily from Emily Rooms. Hihi.
Oh, I almost forgot that I was lucky that night, too. I won the Tweet Contest where the guest were challenged to tweet as many as possible, live reporting about the event. And I turned out to be one of the four lucky guests that night. So, I got the MAP Voucher worth of Rp 250.000,00. Hihi, thank you so much, LUX!
inside the goodie bag
very cute diamond heart-shaped USB Flash Disk, A picture of me, LUX White Collection, and the MAP Voucher
thank you so much for the dazzling event, LUX!
congrats buat vouchernya xP
BalasHapusbtw, itu kliatan mewah banget yaa event'a o.o
makasih ^_^
Hapushehe, ayo lain kali ikutaaan, event LUX sejauh ini gak pernah mengecewakan ^_^
cuma mau bilang gue ngiriiiiiiii XD
BalasHapusudah galau mau datang apa engga, gara-gara mikir kejauhan jadi ga jadi ---______----"
hihihi ayoooo semoga next event bisa ketemuan lagi, trus rumpi-rumpi lagi ;D