Hi! This time I'd like to share to you about NYX Soho Glam Collection. Actually this palette has been kept in my drawer for months because I love it too much. LOL. Yep, I got this as my late-last year birthday present from a friend. Hehe, So, finally I was brave enough to do some swatches of this palette. Hope that this helps!
Here is the product when you completely open everything.
52 Eye Shadows - 4 Face Colors - 4 Blushers - 2 Lip Glosses - 1 Lip Liner Pencil - 8 Lip Colors
Lip and Blush Palette |
Left Eye Shadow Palette |
Righ Eye Shadow Palette |
Middle Eye Shadow Palette |
Let's start with the swatch of left palette, so I just did the swatches the eye shadows on to my hand.
top part of palette |
middle part of palette |
bottom part of palette |
Overall, I gotta say that the left part of this palette is more suitable for daily look and smokey look. This is because the colors are mostly greyish and brownish. Moreover, the color is soft and not pigmented (Except for the bronze ones). I have to repeat the swatch in order the color to be appeared enough on the camera.
top part of palette |
middle part of palette |
bottom part of palette |
Nah, this right part of palette is slightly more cheerful than the left one. The colors are colorful and pigmented (I only need one swipe for each swatch). But still, they are chalky.
I don't know what's the difference between this part and the other two parts, because the colors are put in bigger pans. But, the colors are definitely the most pigmented out of the total three parts of eye shadow palette. All the swatch done needed only one swipe. And surprisingly, this part is not chalky.
swatches on hand |
The lip glosses in this palette are more suitable to be called clear gloss since both of the glosses do not give any hint of color. You can take a look at the swatches on hand and lips, the no. 1 is definitely clear, a very little hint of pinky glosses. While no. 1 is more shimmering. For the lip liner pencil, I love it so much. The texture of the pencil is so soft, making easier for us to blend the color and doesn't hurt the lips. The color is cute, too.
swatches on lips |
click to enlarge |
There are total 8 lip color on the lip palette, they're mostly subtle, except the last two shades (no. 7 and 8). The lip colors are all moisturizing, and it feels comfortable on my lips. But the color is too subtle that I can't even differentiate between shades. I guess the lip colors would be perfect if you are going to emphasize more on eyes, so the lips left nude or natural.
swatches 1-4
swatches 5-8 |
Blush Palette and swatches |
The blushes astounded me much. The colors are all lovely, the colors are pigmented, and last, they're not chalky. It has shimmers, but not too much, so it will be fine for daily, natural look.
This palette is worth buying. The colors are lovely and suitable both for daily or special occasion look.
baik banget ya temannya, btw isinya lengkap ya :D
BalasHapushehehe iyaaa yg kasih best friend akuuuu ^_^
Hapusaku juga ga nyangka dikasinya ini kemarin pas ulang tahun
baik banget itu temennyahh <3
BalasHapustitip salam ye buat temen kaka~~
hehehe iyaaah baik yaah
Hapushahaha salam apa nih?;3
Great gift! The colors doesn't look that bad because these are not swatched with primer right? I bet they come alive with primer. Great review.
BalasHapusyep! they're not really alive without primer hihi. will do the FOTD later using these eye shadows with primer kak!
HapusThanks for stopping by :)
wogh lengkap skali A_A
BalasHapushoho iyaaa dan warnanya bagus buat sehari2 maupun pesta. wearable!
Hapuswah enaknya dikasi bday gift palet segede n selengkap itu :D hehe thanx for the review and the swatch!
BalasHapushehehe iyaaaa adel
Hapusyou're very welcome ^_^
baik bgt temennya.. :)
BalasHapusdan review nya lengkap bgt. boleh jg nih jd ide buat ngasih kado...
iya dong fufufufu...
HapusEh ini rezeki gara-gara ngebantuin aku review makeup kit kayaknya!You must be so glad to had a best friend like her!^^
BalasHapusuuuuu enak aja, hahaha, udah lama kadonya bul, yep so lucky me ^^
Hapuswah,nyx pallete ternyata pigmented ya warna eyeshadownya, tdnya aku dah males duluan lho sm nyx pallete, habisnya pada bilang kl nyx bagusnya yg satuan aja, jd keracunan deh :p
BalasHapushehe iya, satuannya oke, tapi kalo beli satu-satu aku bangkrut T_T
Hapussoho glam paling oke sih katanya diantara palet NYX yg lain :p
lengkaaaap :) berapa harganya?
BalasHapusaaak, sorry for the late reply ya dear :')
Hapussetau aku di OL shop sekitar 300-400an kok ^^