Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

SKIN & LAB Dr. Vita Clinic K Plus Red-X

Hello beauties, this time I will share to you about another product from WISHTREND! So I received this product a month ago and been using this ever since.

So from the WISHTREND website, these are the information that I've got:
The ingredient of Vitamin K removes redness by binding the capillaries and veins in the skin tissue. In addition, it delivers nutrients directly to the under eyes and make them radiant and bright, alleviating appearance of dark circles.  Brand : SKIN & LABAll Skin Types (Anti- Redness / Anti-aging) Volume: 30mlMade in Korea
The packaging is relatively tiny for me, as it contains only 30ml thus making it so handy. 

It claims that it works for sensitive skin, redness, and dark skin. 

The  ingredient of vitamin K removes redness by binding the capillaries and veins in the skin tissue. In addition, it delivers nutrients directly to the under eyes and make them radiant and bright, alleviating the appearance of dark circles.

Along with vitamin K, this product also have Magnesium and Broccoli as its main ingredients. Magnesium removes pollutants from the skin and stimulate good circulating activation, while Broccoli prevents pigmentation such as freckles and dark spots and leave the skin milky and transparent. Moreover, Beta-carotene helps revitalizes and recovers wrinkles, irritation, and skin-trouble.

It comes with tube packaging, for anyone who have deep concern over hygiene issues, you may skip this. But as for me, I'm fine with tube packaging. 

The texture is very, very light. Though it's a cream, it doesn't feel heavy at all. It leaves the skin with soothing sensation and absorbed quickly, almost like emulsion.

It doesn't give the skin any hint of color, so you can use this as moisturizer. I apply this day and night, after washing my face.

After using this for around a month, I find my skin is getting better. But truth to be told, the result is insignificant. I just found that we can get the best effect of this by combining two SKIN & LAB Vitamin, just like this picture below.

image taken from WISHTREND website
Though it's not listed as the effect on the packaging, I find my acne are tamed by this product, along with the use of O.S.T. Original Pure Vitamin C20 Serum, also from WISHTREND.

I also found this product brightens up my dark circles and acne scars (dark spots) a bit, though it's not significant.

You can  get this at WISHTREND, if you're interested in giving this product a try.

Till then, see you!

2 komentar:

  1. wah ternyata ini produk anti-aging -__-b aku belum bisa pake XD, ihihihi
    btw ini sejenis apa ya kak? dipake kayak lotion gitu ya abis toner??
    aku pengen coba yang vit A sama C nya ^^ tapi takut umurku belum cukup.. nanti takutnya malah breakout (kebanyakan takutnya XD)


    1. Halo Iqbal, produk anti aging itu kalo menurut aku malah harus dipake sedini mungkin. namanya aja anti aging, jadi kalo kamu pake pas udah aging ya ga begitu ngefek ^^

      ini sejenis cream jadinya, aku pake di dark circle sama jerawat yang merah2 setelah pake lotion..

      Untuk umur, menurutku ga masalah loh.. hehehe coba yang C aja dulu ^^ bagus buat jerawat juga kok



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