Have you heard about "JUARA"?
The story behind JUARA is also unique. Recognizing that present skincare offerings did not have solutions that were rooted in history and simple to use, four young friends sought to bring back the traditions of the past by creating products that fuse the active botanicals of Indonesian herbal recipes with Western science to create products that represent the best of both, the east and west.

Formed by four childhood friends; Metta Murdaya, Yoshiko Roth, Jill Sung, and Tami Chuang, JUARA was created as an east-meets-west Indonesian line of treatments, reminiscent of the ancient spa experience, relevant to the savvy, conscientious person of today.
Launched in New York city, JUARA is a skin care line inspired by Indonesian botanicals used in traditional herbal medicine and ancient royal beauty rituals. JUARA believes beauty is finding the natural balance of your skin, where your skin can be its strongest and healthiest.
100% Vegetarian Skincare, Paraben-free, Sulfate-free, Phthalate-free, Gluten-free, Free of Harsh Chemicals & Artificial Colorants.
The JUARA Girl: "It's My Turn Now"
JUARA believes in championing your natural beauty and engaging women to be their full potential. JUARA believes that we are all a JUARA Girl inside and there are a lot of JUARA Girls in Indonesia.
Are you a JUARA Girl?
J: Jagoan - She believes she can be the champion in her life and strives to overcome fears and obstacles.
U: Unity - She believes in her community - friends, family, colleagues - and supports other women in their needs.
A: Aspirasi - She has aspirations, dreams, and passions. And she is not afraid to follow them.
R: Rajin - She has Rigor. She embraces hard work, learning new things on how to be better, and does not give up easily.
A: Aksi - She has "Gaya," a personal style. She dares to think differently and is proud of her own unique and special self.
Find JUARA skin care online at:
Aku pernah dapet sample brand ini dari giveaway temen bloggerku di Jerman. Belum aku buka sih, jadi pengen cepet-cepet nyobain ^^
BalasHapusAku penasaran namanya kok gitu ternyata terinspirasi dari Indonesia ya. Keren temen bloggerku disana sampe punya produknya. :D
waaah seru banget dapet samplenya ^_^
HapusAku lagi dalam masa pemakaian si Radiance Vitality Oil nih, sejauh ini oke lhoo :D