Minggu, 19 Maret 2017

Travel Diary: Shenzhen

Last year, I went to Shenzhen, China, for working purpose in August-September. It was a big leap for me personally since I also changed job for the first time, lol I've worked for 3 years in the same company previously. So I was both thrilled and nervous at the same time, but hey I love to challenge myself, so why not?

Let me tell you something, China has never been on my travel list before. Also, when I told my family and friends about this, mostly they were deeply concerned as well. But you know what, China is wonderful and that's why I went back for holiday with my friends earlier this year (will blogged soon, lazy..)

Tips Jitu Cegah dan Atasi Sakit Tenggorokan

Hai girls! Akhir-akhir ini cuaca Indonesia, terutama Jakarta, makin labil deh. Terbukti dengan cuaca yang tidak menentu, cek ramalan cuaca katanya siang hujan, eh nggak. Tahunya malam hujan super deras sampai pagi. Hmm... Pastinya kamu aware kan kalau cuaca yang berubah-ubah itu bisa menurunkan kekebalan tubuh dan akhirnya bisa jadi penyakit? Nah, salah satu penyakit yang paling sering diderita oleh orang-orang saat musim pancaroba adalah sakit tenggorokan.

Meski terdengar sepele, sakit tenggorokan ini sangat mengganggu, terutama saat kita sedang makan. Nah, selain rasa sakit ketika menelan, sakit tenggorokan biasanya juga disertai dengan segambreng gejala menyebalkan lainnya seperti:

  • Sakit kepala
  • Pembengkakan kelenjar di leher
  • Pembengkakan tonsil/ amandel
  • Pegal dan nyeri otot
  • Batuk berdahak dan/atau kering
  • Pilek
Makanya, kali ini aku mau share tips jitu cegah dan atasi sakit tenggorokan supaya aktivitas kamu tidak terganggu, yuk simak!

Sabtu, 18 Maret 2017

Senzues Lumi Bright Body Lotion

If you're looking for new choices for body lotion, keep reading! I recently tried Senzues Lumibright Body Lotion and love the result!

Minggu, 12 Maret 2017

Lip Filler di The Clinic Beautylosophy

Halo halo! Kali ini aku ngeblog dalam Bahasa Indonesia karena kebetulan reviewnya tentang klinik di Jakarta, jadi aku rasa bakal lebih pas aja sih. Beberapa waktu yang lalu aku menghadiri beauty gathering bareng The Clinic Beautylosophy bertemakan "Total Aesthetic Solution by The Clinic" bertempat di klinik cabang Cipete.

Jumat, 10 Maret 2017

THELAVICOS Nutrition Hydro Gel Mask

It's another mask time!!! YAY YAY YAY. Mask time is like dessert after meal, it's my favorite. And yes it's another Korean brand that I've got from BNTNews. What's so special with THELAVICOS Nutrition Hydro Gel Mask? It's the Hydro Gel thing, people! Not just a piece of paper on your face~ 

Rabu, 08 Maret 2017


Hai semuanya! Kali ini aku mau share tentang unboxing Clear Sakura Fresh yang aku dapatkan dari Home Tester Club. Penasaran? Yuk baca terus!

Selasa, 07 Maret 2017


For those of you who's been a loyal reader of mine, you must have already known that I have combination skin (where my U-zone is dry and dehydrated). And in this land of hot and humid climate, finding the right moisturizer is just, hard. Let it too 'rich' then will got breakouts. Oh, life. *LOL*

I've been sooo curious with this cream because I saw it a lot on my instagram feed and Lele once reviewed it on her blog saying this cream is good. It was quite expensive (58,000 KRW) and I am so lucky to receive it in February's BNT Box! Super thanks!!!

Though this cream is given for review purpose, trust me I'm delivering honest review for ya.

Let's dig it deeper!
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